"Does this skirt make my butt look trans?"
I’ve been putting this one off for a long time. And yes, those of you who’ve read my book will want to remind me that I’ve said this before – - it’s not about our looks and it is about our looks… but not in the way that most mean that when they say that to us or about us. Please allow me to explain. You hear a lot of confusing things when people talk about the T in LGBTQ. The most mystifying of these is Dysphoria. As in “Gender Dysphoria,” which is the medical diagnosis that has been the gateway to all of the things that made my life livable. (Despite an amazing marriage to the most incredible woman in human history, a loving family, and “normal” childhood upbringing, college education, etc.) More recently, you’ll see the term “Body Dysphoria” used as well. I never thought about it before, but when used accurately, Body Dysphoria may be a more relatable term for a huge segment of our Pink & Baby Blue community, I’m speaking of those for whom even the word “gender” can sometime...